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Writing a Twitter Stock Trading Bot
My project for the month is a stock trading bot that will ingest tweets from accounts I consider to be market influencers and do some parsing and sentiment analysis to help create and execute a trade through my broker.
For years I’ve wanted to build something to do automated trading and this is something that seems simple enough to accomplish in a month. That makes it a worthy experiment.
There are several steps to this process:
- connect to the twitter stream API and listen to specific user accounts
- for each tweet that comes in, parse it for a company name or CEO name
- if there is a company or CEO mentioned, find the ticker symbol
- run a sentiment analysis on the tweet
- look up the current price of the stock
- decide on a trade (long/short) and size, limits and stop loss
- execute trade through broker
This project will be open-source for those of you interested in watching the progress or curious to see how it works. Twitter Trading Project